Story | Swiss outdoor brand Mammut stands strong behind the CO2-legislation
June 2, 2021

Climate change is increasingly becoming a climate crisis – melting glaciers, thawing permafrost, escalating heat and flooding are just some of the current challenges. As an Alpine country, Switzerland is particularly hard hit. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Swiss outdoor manufacturer Mammut has been playing a pioneering role in the fight against climate change for almost 20 years and, together with partners such as Protect Our Winters, has also taken the political initiative to protect our mountain regions.
Sustainability is crucial for future business success in any company. At the same time, for the outdoor industry, it is about more than just generating business profits - advancing climate change influences the range of actions taken by outdoor companies and has the potential to profoundly change the industry as a whole. For the outdoor industry, respectful treatment and preservation of nature are at the core of the sustainability issue. After all, an intact and sustainably protected environment forms the basis for tomorrow's nature and mountain sports.
One of the industry leaders that has been consistently managing its business activities more sustainably since 2002 is the Swiss outdoor brand Mammut. A provider of mountain sports equipment with deep roots and origins in Switzerland, Mammut itself is heavily influenced by this subject.
"The demand for sustainability is omnipresent. It's not only an expectation from our community but also ours as well as our employees"
explains Oliver Pabst, Mammut CEO.
Even as early as 2019, by supporting the glacier initiative, Mammut sent a clear signal to Swiss politicians to combat climate change. Mammut pursues the goal of driving positive transformations in sustainability measures and across the entire supply chain. To achieve this, they rely on meaningful and long-term cooperation within the company, amongst outdoor communities, and worldwide. For Oliver Pabst, however, one thing is clear: "As an outdoor company, nature is where our action takes place. We inspire people to discover the world of mountains, to be moved by the mountains, and to conserve them. Now and in the future. We are pursuing changes that are measurable, positive, and lasting, that's why we are advocating the CO2-legislation.» The CO2- law mentioned will be voted on at the ballot box on 13 June 2021. Supporting this legislation is a logical step for the Swiss company in its climate-friendly alignment.
Together with Protect Our Winters (POW) Switzerland, Mammut is mobilizing the outdoor community to actively support the CO2- law and climate protection in Switzerland. POW sums up the key elements:
"The revised CO2-Act creates a framework to reduce CO2-emissions in the long term. It provides money to promote new and environmentally friendly technologies and sets levies for sectors that have high emissions."
Mammut and POW have one clear common goal: to create conditions that will allow a shared passion for the mountain world to be preserved in the future.
In the fight against climate change, they rely on the commitment of the entire industry, communities, and customers. Mammut initiated the "Together for Glaciers" movement for this reason. To advance tangible, positive, and sustainable change and encourage this mindset among consumers, communities, and the industry worldwide. With this commitment, the Swiss outdoor branch may very well have a sustainable impact.
Mammut supports CO2 legislation
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